Safe, Flexible Adaptation to and Effective Control of COVID-19

9:46:35 AM | 11/4/2021

Resolution 128/NQ-CP on safe and flexible adaptation to and effective control of the COVID-19 pandemic and Decision 4800/QD-BYT are seen by businesses as a timely solution for economic recovery.

Active adaptation

Speaking at a recent seminar on the implementation of Resolution 128/NQ-CP and Decision 4800/QD-BYT of the Ministry of Health, held by the Ministry of Information and Communications in collaboration with the Ministry of Health, Deputy Minister of Information and Communications Pham Anh Tuan said that the two regulations were issued in a timely manner to fight the COVID-19 pandemic and spur socioeconomic development and recovery. Resolution 128, much expected by people and businesses, creates a turning point in thinking and approach to prevent and control the pandemic and return to the new normal.

Specifically, the resolution clearly provides different conditions for reopening, depending on pandemic levels which are classified with given criteria. While the plague is still complicated, with provided regulations on pandemic levels, businesses can compare local epidemiological facts to adopt working plans to assure customers. The economic recovery is expected to be faster as businesses are more active in disease response.

However, according to Deputy Minister Tuan, some central and local agencies are confronting difficulty in executing Resolution 128/NQ-CP, thus affecting the livelihood of people and the operations of businesses. Some localities are even applying their own approaches although there is general guidance.

Sharing the same view, Ms. Nguyen Thi Lien Huong, Director of the Health Environmental Management Department under the Ministry of Health, emphasized that Resolution 128/ND-CP and Decision 4800/QD-BYT have enabled localities to actively and creatively respond to the pandemic and helped enterprises restore business operations and socio-economic development.

In fact, after the two regulations, provinces and cities across the country assessed and announced pandemic levels. More than 40 localities issued local adaptation plans or released guidance on pandemic prevention and control in production and mobility.

Consistent application

Deputy Minister Pham Anh Tuan said the Government is currently directing the implementation of Resolution 128/NQ-CP in the new context. These are stepping-stones for the introduction of two strategies: Safe COVID-19 Pandemic Adaptation Strategy and Economic Recovery and Development Strategy. Currently, both strategies are being developed.

Director Nguyen Thi Lien Huong added, “One of the most concerning issues in the implementation of Resolution 128 and Decision 4800 is to ensure uniform application across the country and increase the activeness and creativity of localities.”

Agreeing with these views, many attendants pointed out that the “Living with COVID-19” policy is very appropriate and it has now started to work in the fight against the pandemic and boost economic recovery. However, it is necessary to soon improve institutions relating to pandemic prevention to make sure that the smallest lockdown is applied, depending on pandemic levels labeled red, orange, green and yellow. Localities are discouraged to upgrade their pandemic level to a higher status such as district-wide or province-wide.

In addition, in order to increase the effectiveness of Resolution 128, relevant authorities should soon release specific instructions and consistent implementation from central to local levels.

In this regard, Deputy Minister of Health Do Xuan Tuyen affirmed that the Government assigned relevant agencies to advise and propose establishing an interdisciplinary inspection team to check regulatory compliance to ensure consistency between central and local governments.

Previously, in Notice 277/TB-VPCP dated October 24, 2021, the Prime Minister requested the Ministry of Health to urgently train localities across the country in Resolution 128 and Decision 4800 to remove difficulties, obstacles and inadequacies in carrying out, sharing and exchanging experiences among localities, thereby raising awareness and unifying implementation nationwide. When being placed, revisions and supplements are recommended to match local reality.

By Thu Ha, Vietnam Business Forum