5:43:44 PM | 29/6/2018
The World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors recently approved an International Development Association (IDA) Credit in the amount of US$80 million to improve the quality of key urban infrastructure, including transport connectivity, drainage and sewer systems, public spaces and preschools in Thai Nguyen City in Northeast Vietnam. The funding will also support improvements in the city’s urban planning and management, including climate change and disaster risk considerations.
Thai Nguyen City is one of the cities proposed by the Government of Vietnam to receive support based on their economic growth potential. The project is consistent with the World Bank’s Country Partnership Framework as it will contribute to strengthening urban planning and management, support resilient urban infrastructure investments, and improve disaster risk management.
The total project costs are estimated at US$100 million, of which US$80 million will be financed by the Transitional Support Window of IDA and US$20 million will be counterpart funding from the provincial government.