German Funds Forestation in Hoa Binh and Son La

3:26:35 PM | 8/7/2005

German Funds Forestation in Hoa Binh and Son La


Prime Minister Phan Van Khai recently approved a sum of 10 million euros worth of ODA from the German Government for a forestation project in the provinces of Hoa Binh and Son La (KfW7), of which €7.9 million are soft loans and €2.1 million are non-refundable aid.


The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development is requested to combine with the people’s committees of these two provinces in conducting a feasibility study and submitting it for the government's approval. The prime minister noted that the study should look at successful experiences from previous German-funded forestation projects and enhance the management role of the local authorities to maintain the sustainable development of the project.

  • K.P