Long An Making Great Efforts to Improve PCI

5:02:09 PM | 25/7/2013

With the aims of improving investment efficiency and promoting socio-economic development, Long An always pays special attention to improving its provincial competitiveness index (PCI) by reforming administrative procedures, solving problems and facilitating the best conditions for individuals to develop business.
In 2012, scoring 60.12 about 100 points, Long An ranked 16th in the PCI's rankings of 63 provinces and cities in the country, falling 13 ranks compared to 2011. However, Long An Province is top ranked in administration throughout the country.
The above-mentioned results show the best efforts of the Long An leadership in 2012. Recognizing the economic difficulties, the provincial government seriously focuses on directing and creating the best business environment for businesses operating in the area. The province regularly organizes conferences to call for investment and cooperation in the province and expands relations with other countries in order to facilitate businesses to access traditional and new markets. Long An pays attention to the reform of administrative procedures to save a lot of effort, time and hidden costs for businesses.
Besides, Long An has actively implement Resolution 13/2012/NQ-CP to remove difficulties for business production, support markets, resolve bad debt, organize dialogues with business in the province, promote domestic and foreign investment and labour training quality, thereby creating confidence among businesses and investors.
According to Vice President Pham Van Ranh of Long An, despite still being at the top 20 rankings, the downgrading from 3 to 16 puzzled the Long An provincial leadership. If the province does not continue its efforts, its downgrading could be a pattern. Ranh said that in the near future, Long An will try its best efforts to improve the PCI and make Long An the ideal destination for investors. To achieve these, the provincial people's committee guides local departments and districts to urgently evaluate and analyse the current problems and causes before developing specific action plans to improve PCI indicators. The departments, agencies and localities continue reforming administrative procedures, improving public services, creating an open-armed government administration and professional services for people and businesses, boosting the one door mechanism allowing investors of the industrial zone to process their administrative formalities through the IZ management board while non-industrial zone investors will arrange procedures with the department of Planning and Investment. The province will also increase investment in infrastructure and information technology to improve the business climate.
Rach recommends that the businesses should actively demonstrate their difficulties and problems in business production and operation to help the province recognize and promptly resolve them. The departments also regularly inspect the project evaluation process and strive to provide information and support for businesses and investors. At the same time, the province continues strengthening propaganda, raising awareness and training for provincial staff about the evaluation criteria of the PCI to effectively implement the guidelines of the province on improving its PCI.
Particularly, Long An will continue to implement the Resolution 02/NQ-CP dated on July 1st, 2013 and other undertakings by the Government to remove difficulties for enterprises. The immediate mission of Long An province is to focus on improving the component indicators of the PCI which the province has achieved high scores in 2012, and simultaneously, improving the component indicators with low scores.
Nguyen Minh Ha, Director of the Long An Planning and Investment Department said the PCI is considered a measure of business satisfaction with local government. With effort and determination, the leadership of Long An believes that Long An will continue to maintain a high ranking on the index to meet businesses' investment demands, manufacturing and development.
Thu Thuy