11:12:16 AM | 25/1/2006
In the past, the Gia Lai Coffee Company’s business scope consisted of only coffee farming and trading. In recent years, with its strategies for a more comprehensive development, the company’s business scope has been expanded to coffee processing and export, and farm-produce, such as cassava, maize and black pepper, trading.
In the past years, prices of coffee in the domestic and world market fell sharply, causing difficulties to enterprises in the Vietnamese coffee industry. However, with flexible business strategies and the implementation of lump sum mechanisms, the company has proven its important position in the land of coffee. As a result, since 2002, the company’s business activities have become better. The company has achieved its economic targets and improved the living standard of its cadres and workers. Despite unfavourable climatic conditions in 2005, the company still maintained an adequate volume of materials for processing with 7,000 tonnes of coffee beans. In nine months of 2005, the company’s revenues reached VND 32 billion. Its profits reached VND 2.7 billion, or VND 1.2 billion higher than the yearly plan for 2005. The company earned US$1.7 million in export value, and VND 1.4 billion in profits. The company was estimated to export 5,000 tonnes of coffee, earning US$5 million.
Also, the company has gained good results in social activities, providing donations to hungry and poor households, providing educational and health support for ethnic minority people. The company has contributed to infrastructure development, building roads and canals, thus facilitating communication in remote areas.
In coming years, the company will continue to strengthen its production activities and sell coffee gardens to workers, thus helping them earn higher incomes. It will also expand its material collection network, helping farmers sell their products. With proper development strategies, the Gia Lai Coffee Company has exerted efforts to overcome difficulties, creating a momentum to become a spearhead enterprise in Gia Lai province.
Thanh Ny